The Opportunity is HUGE.


The beef industry has not changed in nearly a century. With parts of the supply chain being significantly consolidated, At the expense of both ranchers who make less and consumers who pay more.

“Instead of making money off one another, well-designed supply chains enable partners to make money together.”

Lamar Steiger

Let’s build a better beef supply chain together.

About 85% of beef processing has been controlled by four major protein suppliers since the industry cartelization in 2014. THIS HAS AllowED the FOUR MAJOR suppliers to increase profits at the expense of both ranchers who make less and consumers who pay more.

Key situational and cultural trends are in place, ensuring that now is the perfect time for Ranch2Retail to revolutionize the beef supply chain.


Decreasing Beef Herd Size
The aggregate U.S. beef cattle herd size is the smallest in decades.

Increasing Packer Capacity
Significant harvesting capacity is coming online.

Increasing Government Support
New Federal subsidies support competitiveness in the meat-packing industry.

Improving Technology
Cloud-based & other tech-enabled innovations continue to enhance animal care, promote sustainability, improve quality, foster communication, and provide transparency across the value chain.


Educated Consumers
Consumers increasingly use their wallets to vote for quality, sustainable, and ethical practices.

Retail Scale
Retailers with scale are teaming up with ranchers raising quality beef with long-term cost+ contracts.